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Writer's pictureLeisa Davidson

How to Find Your Missing Cat After it has Escaped Outside the Vet's Surgery.

Updated: Feb 14

Tips for finding your lost cat

Losing your cat can be an incredibly distressing experience, especially when it happens unexpectedly outside the vet's surgery. But fear not, for there is hope in finding your missing cat and reuniting you with them. At The Cat Company we will guide you through effective and practical steps to locate your cat using tips and tricks so let's dive into some tips to finding your lost cat.

Always check your cat carrier is safe, also check the carrier is secure before exiting your car or leaving the veterinary surgery. Check your carrier is secure and safe, check door and hinges are not broken and are all closed correctly.

1. Stay Calm and Act Quickly

As difficult as it may be, try to remain calm. Panic can cloud your judgment and hinder your search efforts. Contact the vet's surgery staff immediately and inform them of your missing cat. They might be able to provide insights into the cat's last seen location or any possible sightings.

Never chase your cat is he has escaped the carrier, this will scare him more. Stop get low and call in a calm manner, placing the carrier on the floor with the door open. Try to entice him back to you in slow and calm manner. If he continues to run, take note of the direction he has gone. As he will find somewhere to hide close by.

2. Recruit Help

Enlist the help of friends, family, and neighbours in your search. The more people on the lookout, the better. Ask them to keep an eye out and inform you immediately if they spot your cat.

Door knock and have conversations with locals, tell them the whole story of how your cat went missing. Engage them into your concerns, make an emotional connection with people.

Search around the area, searching under bushes, small gaps, under decking and behind sheds and outbuildings. Under cars, gardens and any spaces no matter how small. Remember your cat will be scared, even if he is close to you he maybe to scared to come to you, so search thoroughly.

Create eye-catching posters with a clear photo of your cat, your contact information, and the vet's address. Place these posters around the vicinity, including nearby shops, parks, and residential areas. Additionally, post on local social media groups and lost-and-found pet websites to reach a wider audience.

Better than searching is to hand out leaflets in the area your cat has gone missing. Leaflet the surrounding area, as your cat will be looking for a place of safety to settle. Make your cat know to the local people, you will need a sighting in order to recover your cat.

Use social media to tell your story, create a page and share how your cat has gone missing, Recruit locals to look out and share your story of your missing cat. Share now emotional your are that your beloved cat is missing, and ask people to please help find your cat. Make sure you are posting updates everyday, keep everyone engaged in your story.

4. Lure with Familiar Scents

Place familiar scents, such as their favourite blanket or toy, near the vet's surgery entrance. Cats have a keen sense of smell, and the familiar scent may attract them back to the area.

Set up a trap in the area your cat went missing, place a blanket over the trap that smells of your home. Place food in the trap such as sardines as they smell strongly, luring him into the trap. Monitor the trap at all times, making sure you are not trapping another cat. Sit and watch the trap from afar such as in a car.

5. Conduct a Night Search

Cats are often more active at night, so consider conducting a search during the late hours. Carry a flashlight and call out to your cat using a gentle and soothing voice.

Set up monitor cameras close to where your cat when missing, you maybe able to see if he is coming back to the area late at night.

6. Set up a Safe Haven

Create a safe space near the vet's surgery with food, water, and a comfortable hiding spot for your cat. Use a cat carrier or a secure box with an opening big enough for them to enter. Leave the carrier open, and check it frequently.

7. Utilize Social Media

Utilize the power of social media to spread the word about your missing cat. Share your story, photos, and contact information on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Encourage others to share your posts to increase visibility.

8. Stay Persistent and Positive

Never give up hope. Cats can reappear after days or even weeks of being missing. Continue searching diligently and maintain a positive outlook.


Losing your cat outside a vet's surgery can be an overwhelming experience, but with a well-organized search effort and the support of the community, the chances of being reunited are high. Stay vigilant, remain hopeful, and keep the lines of communication open with the vet's surgery and local residents. Remember, patience and persistence are key in bringing your missing feline friend back to the safety and comfort of home. Never give up, your cat will be out there somewhere, just keep working to find him.

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