When it comes to cat carriers how do you choose which one is right for your cat. Firstly be prepared to pay out and get a good quality carrier, a good carrier should last the lifetime of your cat. Cheap carriers tend not to last long and can break when you cat is inside the carrier this can be dangerous as they could escape in an area that is unsafe. I have heard so many stories of the bottom of the carrier dropping off and the cat falling to floor and running off. This could cause the cat to get lost in an unfamiliar area or could possibly run into traffic and get injured or worse.
Whilst you may buy a carrier when you first get your kitten do think about how much they will grow so do buy something practical. There are many pretty carriers in todays market, but do consider how safe they are before using and do plenty of research before buying you carrier, read reviews on the products before spending money on something that is not fit for purpose.
Firstly check the size of the carrier, if you have a large cat make sure you have a large carrier to make sure the cat can travel in comfort. Carriers need to be strong and sturdy, cats often move around in the carrier so you need to be sure that it is secure. What is the character of your cat like, does he like to hide or is he confident and like to see where he is going?
Plastic carriers are very practical, easy to keep clean and gives the cat the advantage of being able to peer out of the front but can also hide at the back if nervous. These are good if the cat hides at the back the lid can be lifted off and the cat can stay sitting in the base of the carrier. The downfall of these carriers is they came in two halves so make sure the tabs are strong and close tightly and the front grill is well fitted and the pegs are tight, as there maybe a risk of the bottom falling out with the weight of the cat inside.
Wicker baskets can look very pretty, but are insecure and a frightened cat could break the carrier, also these are very hard to keep clean. Cardboard carriers again are not very practical, and a cat could break out. These could get damaged if the cat is sick or wet himself during travel leaving the carrier unsafe.
Plastic wire carriers have advantages , the cat can see all around him, and you can see what is happening in the carrier. Make sure you put in a blanket in the bottom
so its comfortable for the cat to sit in. For scared cats you could also place a blanket over the top of the carrier, and watch your fingers in a wire carrier if you have an aggressive cat. But as a top opening carrier, this makes it much easier to get the cat out of the carrier.
Whatever cat carrier you chose, make sure it suits your cat the aim to make the cat feel as safe and relaxed as possible when travelling.